Tuesday, July 8, 2014

New course - preparations

Today I got the materials for the OCA Documentary course. This time there was no long wait for course materials as they are now available online! I have downloaded the reading list and already have a few of the books, plus I bought 2 more for my Kindle. Hopefully now I have finished my MA in Education I will have plenty of time for this course, alongside preparing for assessment for the PWDP module.

It is about 8 years since I studied Documentary photography formally and I am quite excited about seeing what has changed and finding out even more about the topic. I look forward to further documenting my life in Borneo, I returned here 3 months ago and although things are a bit lonely I think it was a great decision. Living near the beach and being a runner mean my life is totally different to my last Borneo experience.

I am relishing the thought of reading photography books and not feeling guilty about not reading books about education this time. I will start with Graham Clarke's book 'The Photograph.' I am really happy to see a book on the list about visual research, I managed to get some books from work last year on this topic and really look forward to exploring this more.

Time to schedule my assignments. I think this feature is great and I am hoping this will stop my procrastination. I was terrible for PWDP, and this is just what I need.